Where To Buy

Find StudioPro products at these distributors around the United States:

Alligator Clay Company Baton Rouge, LA www.alligatorclay.com

Amherst Potters Supply Customer
Hadley, MA


Archie Bray Foundation Clay Business Helena, MT www.archiebray.org
Armadillo Clay & Supplies
Austin, TX www.armadilloclay.com
Atlanta Clay
Atlanta, GA www.atlantaclay.com
Atlantic Pottery Supply Inc.
Atlantic Beach, FL www.atlanticpotterysupply.com
Bailey Pottery
Kingston, NY www.baileypottery.com
Bracker's Good Earth Clays Inc. Lawrence, KS www.brackers.com
Brickyard Ceramics Indianapolis, IN www.brickyardceramics.com
Carolina Clay Connection Charlotte, NC www.carolinaclay.com

The Ceramic Shop

Norristown, PA 


Ceramic Store of Houston Houston TX www.ceramicstoreinc.com
Ceramic Supply Inc. West Lodi, NJ www.ceramicsupplyinc.com
Clay Art Center Tacoma, WA



Clay Arts Vegas

Las Vegas, NV www.clayartsvegas.com
Clay-King.com Spartanburg, SC www.Clay-King.com

The Clay Lady

Nashville, TN www.theclaylady.com
ClayPeople Richmond, CA www.claypeople.net
Clayscapes Pottery Supply Syracuse, NY www.clayscapespottery.com
Davens Ceramic Center Atlanta, GA


Free Form Clay & Supply National City, CA


Georgie's Ceramic and Clay Co. Portland, OR georgies.com
Highwater Clays Ashville, NC


Mid South Ceramic Supply Company Nashville, TN


Mud Puddle Pottery Pegram, TN www.mudpuddlepottery.com
New Mexico Clay Albuquerque, NM www.nmclay.com

North Vancouver Ceramics

North Vancouver, BC


Portland Pottery Supply-Maine Portland, ME


Portland Pottery Supply-Mass. Braintree, MA


Rocky Mountain Clay Denver, CO rockymountainclay.com
Rovin Ceramics Ann Arbor,MI www.rovinceramics.com
Runyan Pottery Supply Clio, MI


Rusty Kiln Ceramics North Windham, CT


Seattle Pottery Supply Seattle, WA


Sheffield Pottery Sheffield, MA


Silver Sage Ceramics Cheyenne, WY www.silversageceramics.com
Southern Pottery Equipment & Supplies
Baton Rouge, LA



Stone Leaf Pottery Denver, CO stoneleafpottery.com
Trinity Ceramic Supply Dallas, TX trinityceramic.com
Tucker' Pottery Supplies Inc. Richmond Hill, ON tuckerspotteryeshop.com